RSM-400W Waterproof speaker microphone is specifically designed to withstand the demanding needs of public safety applications including police, fire and EMS, search and rescue, and heavy-duty security applications.
RSM-400W Waterproof speaker microphone is specifically designed to withstand the demanding needs of public safety applications including police, fire and EMS, search and rescue, and heavy-duty security applications.
RSM-400W Waterproof Remote Speaker Microphone
RSM-400W heavy duty shoulder microphone Professional Waterproof Speaker Mic;IP67 rated water & dust proof, and impact resistant;Push-to-talk button for sending radio calls;Available plugs to match with most radios.
Features: Heavy-duty anchored Kevlar™ coil cable Waterproof IP67 rated Large push-to-talk switch operable Optional Features (available for select radio models): Emergency button 1 Year Warranty |