This is a China Granite 12 Niches Cremation Columbarium. Haobo Stone select quality grey and black granite. Cut the stone into a rectangular 12 niches columbairum.
This is a china granite 72 niches granite columbarium. Haobo stone select gray granite and black granite. Cut the gray granite into a 72 niches hexagonal columbarium. Each side is carved with a column.Black granite is used as the door panel of each niche.
This is a blue pearl granite 2 niches private columbarium. Haobo stone selects beautiful and quality blue pearl granite. Carved stone into the shape of a house 2 niches columbarium.
This is a china granite 2 niches private columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality grey and black granite. Carved stone into the shape of a house 2 niches columbarium.
This is a red granite 2 niches roof top columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality india red granite. Carved stone into a roof top house shape columbarium, and the columbarium contain 2 niches.
This is a black granite 2 niches private columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality black granite. Carved stone into a monument columbarium, and the columbarium contain 2 niches.
This is a natural granite memorial bench, Bench monument is popular in the funeral market in some European countries. Haobo Stone selects high-quality red granite, The stone was cut into a gravestone bench with a heart shaped headstone.
This is a natural granite memorial bench, Bench monument is popular in the funeral market in some European countries. Haobo Stone selects high-quality black granite and red granite, The stone was cut into a simple monument bench.
This is an Cartoon minne mouse and daisy duck gravestone, We select high-quality Bahamian blue granite and carved the stone into a cartoon animal headstone and a simple base.
This is a simple design dark grey granite memorial bench, Bench monument is popular in the funeral market in some European countries. Haobo Stone selects high-quality china grey granite, cut stone into a funeral monument bench.