This is a red granite 2 niches roof top columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality india red granite. Carved stone into a roof top house shape columbarium, and the columbarium contain 2 niches.
This is a black granite 2 niches private columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality black granite. Carved stone into a monument columbarium, and the columbarium contain 2 niches.
This is a black granite personal columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality black granite. Carved stone into a monument columbarium, and the columbarium contain 2 niches.
This is a black granite 3 niches private columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality black granite and white marble. Carved stone into the shape of a house 3 niches columbarium with a priest carving.
This is a large granite 240 niches columbarium, columbarium are both environmentally friendly and space-saving, and are popular for funerals in countries such as the United States and Canada.
This is a grey granite 2 niches cremation columbarium. Haobo stone selects high quality grey granite and. Carved stone into the shape of a house 2 niches columbarium with a angel statue.