This is a very beautiful set of india black birds and flower carved headstones. Depending on the material chosen by the client, marble or granite is polished into a domed and symmetrical head, with two birds carved on top of the head. Two rows of roses were carved along the sides of headstone.
This is a asian style granite tombstone. This style is common in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries funeral. Haobo Stone selected high-quality granite and marble, carved the granite into a roof shaped headstone, on both sides of the roof carved with two little lions. Two pillars are carved on either side of the headstone, and the base is enclosed by railings on both sides. Shadows of Chinese totems are carved on balustrades and pillars.
This is a very simple black granite gravestone. Haobo Stone selects high quality Indian black granite and polishes the stone into a simple headstone and a base. On the right side of the headstone is placed a guitar carving, which is very realistic.
This is a beautiful granite swan gravestone. Haobo Stone chose high-quality black granite and polished the stone into a headstone and a base. The headstoned is carved into the shape of a heart, beneath which is carved a swan with wings. A set of graceful and beautiful swan carved tombstones is completed.
This is a set of granite heart shaped angel gravestones with a very American style. Haobo Stone selects high-quality black granite to carve the headstone into the shape of a heart and polish it. A marble baby angel sculpture is spliced on the upper left corner of the heart.