Max. Charge Current :
24.0AMax. Discharge Current :
1200A (5 sec)Terminal :
F12(M8)/F5(M8)Weight :
Approx. 35.5 Kg (Tolerance±2%)Capacity :
120Ah@20hr-rate to 1.75V per cell @25℃Voltage Per Unit :
6-GFM-120 12 Volt 100 AH battery is a TRUE DEEP CYCLE battery that can be mounted in any position, requires no maintenance. When a Gel Cell battery is charged, no hazardous fumes escape the battery case, gases are processed within the battery itself.Batteries are utilized in a wide variety of applications including:Solar, Emergency Lighting,Consumer Electronics and more.
These rechargeable batteries are lead-lead dioxide systems.The dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte is absorbed by separators and thus immobilized.Should the battery be accidentally overcharged producing hydrogen and oxygen,special one-way valves allow the gases to escape thus avoiding excessive pressure build-up.Otherwise,the battery is completely sealed and maintenance-free,leak proof and usable in any position.
12V 120AH solar battery meet certifications:
IEC 61215, IEC 61730, UL 61730
ISO 9001:2008: ISO Quality Management System
ISO 14001: 2004: ISO Environment Management System
OHSAS 18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety